Friday 10 December 2010

Construction - Article For DPS

Sweet, Pretty and Innocent. These are just three of the descriptions that Maddie Jones has been given since beginning to find her path in the music industry. However as we meet her she is armed with scissors ready to cut loose the labels and give us the exclusive on the real girl behind the guitar. The Bromley born girl gives us an insight into her 'great childhood upbringing’ and says that her place of birth is the 'only thing she has in common with 'pixie lott'. 'Coming into the music industry of course there is going to be comparisons but im just Maddie'. As she begins to tell us more it becomes clear that she is not just an ordinary girl with a guitar.’ People get me so wrong they think im an angel but I went through the rebellious stage the same as any other teenage girl. I had boyfriends my parents hated and I would never let them tell me who I could date'. This may explain why Maddie Jones has decided that the only relationship she will have from now on will be with her guitar!( Well that’s what her parents think anyway!)At the ripe age of 21 Maddie says she is a million miles away from the nervous 16-year old who was so scared of performing at her school talent show that vomited up the steps to the stage. After entering hundreds of talent shows and competitions the nerves have definitely lost their grip.

 One title that could never be given to Maddie Jones is a quitter. She explains how it doesn’t become any easier each time a door is slammed in your face. One contest that Maddie Jones has never tried and is certain she never will is the X factor. From the age of 10 she has written songs even if the first was titled 'school is boring', it still was her own material. This is one girl who wants success to be her own and she does say that she has 'huge respect' for anyone that could do well on the x factor but it would just never be for her. So how has this brown eyed brunette made her way on to our cover? Well I was at a local gig in London and Maddie just stood out. Whether it was the unique sounding tone of her voice or her girl next door looks, that got the audience hooked, everyone wanted more from her. Reviews, reviews and reviews. She has been the topic of many unsigned websites and has still not been grabbed by a big label. Admittedly she says there have been phone calls but none that feel right to take on her music. She does not want to be separated from the girl that has made it this far already and she says that it would be an insult to herself if she was to let a big time producer tell her what to sing, wear and say. Her resistance to becoming an artificial pop star is evident, even in our photo shoot she refuses a stylist and says that it’s not being a diva it’s her wanting to show everyone herself and not a person that is created.

So how did it all begin for this born to sing star? Well as the social networking phenomenon takes over the internet is beginning to play an important part in all of our lives nobody knows this better than Maddie herself. After winning the school talent show with a later song that she also wrote ‘Happiness’ at the age of 14 Maddie Jones was encouraged by her friends to start uploading her tracks onto the internet. A growing interest arose and after only a year of uploading her videos she had struck an outstanding following of over 100.000 fans that showed a growing interest for not only her voice but the lyrics that accompanied. Maddie began taking requests from her fans life experiences for inspiration. Her most successful track to date was written for a girl who lost her father whilst fighting in Iraq. The track ‘We Could Be Heroes’ flew across the internet and everybody wanted to hear more from the voice that was Maddie Jones. After becoming a known figure on the computer screen Maddie Jones has sold her albums to fans with the help from friends to produce the album design and distribution. There is no doubt that Maddie Jones is a self created artist and she described her relationship with fans as being ‘not just professional’ after gigs Maddie is known for partying with fans and has also been spotted dancing on bar tops with her fans she describes it as having ‘a great time with the people who appreciate my music’ not so sweet now aye!

 The only touring that Maddie Jones has experienced, is the late night tour of London pubs and clubs which she is still grateful for but craves for more. In her own words 'you should never knock an artist that has done gigs in pubs and clubs because its from those gigs that I grow and become a step closer to knowing where im going'. Each time she takes her place on the stage it is just her and the guitar. Even as we meet Maddie in her pristine make-up and gorgeous clothes, she is clutching onto her guitar. She introduces it as her baby and says that it is unlikely that you will ever see her apart from it. When asked about what she gets up to in her spare time Maddie raises an eyebrow and laughs. If she's not playing music, writing music or listening to other peoples music then she describes herself as a normal 21 year old girl.’ I wouldn’t call myself a party animal, maybe I act like an animal when I party too much which isn’t very often but I do like a good dance when I go out’. Growing up Maddie Jones was a girl band fanatic and says that her guilty pleasure was the spice girls. 'Now I would say that artists such as Adele and Florence and Machine are those who influence me'. Maddie strikes me as very independent but a girl who has a strong love for her family. Although she currently lives in London her baby pink poster filled bedroom is still open for her to return to once every month back in Bromley. 'If I want to make it in music London is where I need to be but I will always have my Bromley roots'. The future looks bright for Maddie as she leaves for a gig where she describes a growing fan base will be waiting for her. This girl is ready for the music business but the one question that she asks is if they are ready for her? Whether the answer be yes or no I believe when the day comes of Maddie Jones being on the cover of NME she will look like the same Maddie Jones and no doubt her song played on the radio will be written by Maddie Jones and the name that she signs on a fans autograph will be the name of the girl who returns home to her family.

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