Friday 10 December 2010

Construction - Photo Editing

After completing my photo shoots it was time to make the decision of which photographs would be the best for my magazine. The first decision was which photo would be best for my cover. After searching through the photograph i decided would be best was this one ;

However i believed that some editing needed to occur so that the photograph would work on a cover of a magazine. I liked the edgy effect that the background had. To contrast the plug would need to go so i removed this using photoshop. The colour of the photograph needed to be brighter so i played around with the contrasting. As the main colour scheme of my cover was going to centre around the pink colour of the models lips , i wanted the lips to be more emphasised so i brightened them so they was the main feature of the photograph. Another tool that i used was a tool to thin the legs on the model. Although i believe that the model used looks fine there is a sterotypical view that a model on a magazine cover should be very slim. Therefore i used the tool to make her legs appear slimmer and i removed the scar at the top of her leg as well as giving her a slight tan so that girls would look at the cover and say i want to be her whilst men would look at the cover and say i want to be with her! 

The final front cover photograph looked like this;

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