Tuesday 14 December 2010

Interactive Evaluation

To make my blog more exciting i decided to produce my evaluation on the site xra normal and created videos using animations in an interview style format. Each of the videos covers the following questions.

1) In what ways does your media product use , develop or challenge codes and coventions of real media products?
2) How does your media product represent particular social groups?
3) What kind of institution might distribute your media product and why?
4) Who would be the audience for your media product?
5) How did you attract/adress your audience?
6) What have you learnt about technology from the process of constructing this product?
7) Looking back at your pre liminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Links to Videos

 - This interview covers questions number 1 and 4. It discusses how similar texts influenced my decisions and outside influences. This interview also goes into detail about codes and conventions and how i reached a decision about who would be my target audience and how other people with different perspectives may read my text differently to myself or my target audience. http://www.xtranormal.com/watch/8085349

This next interview focuses on representation and what sterotypes are used within my magazine.  It answers question 2 .It also discusses how wider issues influenced the decisions i made and the media ideologies that i needed to be aware of when producing the magazine.  http://www.xtranormal.com/watch/8110099/

- This next interview answers question 3 and focuses on what kind of institution might distribute my media product and why. http://www.xtranormal.com/watch/8110417

- This interview covers questions 5 and 6 and focuses on attracting the audience of my magazine and how technology has been involved in producing my magazine.  http://www.xtranormal.com/watch/8116263/

Deconstruct the front page and analyse how the codes and conventions will attract the audience. 

Looking back at your preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product? 

Well lets remind ourselves of what my pre liminary task looked like...

After now completing my main music magazine i can straight away notice ways in which this magazine is weak. Especially on the contents page there are no photographs or the use of same style , size or colour font. The article of the magazine looks as if it has just been put on there from anywhere and there is no idea of structure or framing. I can also notice an improvement on my photo shop skills. Around the edges of the photographs you can see where they have been cut out which looks unprofessional. The repetition of the school logo is not necessary and i can now only presume that i was trying to fill the gaps on the page. I believe that i took more time in every aspect of the production on the second product.  

I believe i have made good progress between the two tasks. The use of editing the photographs which is down to me learning how to use photo shop! resulted in me being able to play around with colour , size and effects on the photographs. on the introduction dp i added a pink tint to the background which was originally brown. This would appeal more to my target audience as it adds personality and is not just a brown boring background. In the pre liminary task i had no awareness of the choice of fonts i should use and therefore i have shown progress in the sense that i researched similar texts to get an understanding of what fonts are appropriate to the genre of my magazine. I used more appropriate equipment in the main task which shows in my photographs. A creative problem solving decision i had to make was by extending the photograph on my front cover. For the photograph to work on the cover i had to extent it higher so that the text masthead could work around the photograph. 

Overall i can definatley see an improvement from my first magazine to the second. I carefully planned the photograph shoots more which is a better approach to going and asking random students around school. I have stuck to sterotypes more in my second magazine by showing awareness of what the audience want to see on the cover. The contents page has photographs which is an improvement as my first project was just blocks with words inside. I am much happier with my final media product as i do believe it looks like a music magazine and i have worked carefully to ensure that i have included what i know my audience wanted to see.

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