Monday 25 October 2010

Research - Audience Research - Quantative data - Music Magazine Survey

To ensure that my creative decisions have evidence behind them i created a survey on to find out what members of the public think. This would increase my knowledge of what the audience would want which would lead to me making the correct decisions and being able to create a succesful music magazine. After i had created the survey i posted the link of to my facebook and waited for the responses. The link for the survey i created is 

1) How old are you?


I chose this age ranges as i believed that 13-15 is the tweenies age where people are entering the young teenage stage of their life. Then 16-18 as these are late teens where a person begins to feel more like an adult. Following this i used the age 19-25 as this is the target market for my magazine and the beginning of adulthood. Finally the age 25+ so that anyone older could take the survey but not be embarassed about their age.
13-15 = 26.7%
16-18 = 13.3%
19-25 = 33.3%
25+    = 26.7%
From these results i have learnt that the majority of people to take my survey were between the ages of 19-25. This is a good thing as it means that many of my target audience answered this survey so i will have a good knowledge of what they would want in a music magazine. The lowest percentage of people to take my survey are 16-18 year olds which could be seen as a bad thing as they are closest in age to my target audience and may also buy my magazine.

2) Are you?

This question was important as i believe the magazine i will create will be more of an interest to males. However by asking this question and getting female responses i can see whether this judgement was correct and if women would also enjoy reading about new musical talent.
Male =46.7%
Female =53.3%
From these results i can see that slightly more females took the survey in comparison to men. This may be a problem as i decided that men would be my target audience and perhaps will result in me having to create more audience research targeting only men. However as i said previously it is good to see both opinions as women may also be interested in new musical talent.

3) Which genre of music do you most like listening to?
Drum n Bass

For this question the audience had to select one answer so that i could have a knowledge of what genre of music is popular at the moment. I gave a selection of answers to add variety and by finding out the popularity of music i would have an understanding of what the audience of want to hear and no more about at the moment.
Drum n Bass=6.7%
From this question i have learnt that indie/alternative is the genre of music that is popular at the moment. Pop/Dance is also very popular. These are aspects that i will have to consider when deciding the musical genre of my magazine. Country/Folk and Pop/Punk both had 0% which shows they are not very popular at the moment or arguebly to the people who took my survey. However the sample i used on facebook are representative of the people i believe my magazine will target.

4)  Are you interested in new musical talent?

This question was very important as it is the basis of my magazine. If the results of this question are that the public are not interested in new musical talent then i would have a problem as they would not be interested in my magazine.
Yes = 100%
No= 0%
The results for this question showed me that everyone who took my survey are interested in new musical talent. This means that my magazine , if planned and produced to the audiences taste , can work. As they are interested and want to know about new talent!

5) Do you read/buy music magazines?

I wanted to find out what percentage of people currently read or buy music magazines so that i could become aware of the popularity of them at this moment in time. I used the option read or buy as i am aware that not everybody buys the magazines but the circulation of them can be high which leads to a higher readership.
Yes= 60%
No= 40%
The majority of people that answered my survey do read or buy music magazines which shows me that they are popular and can be successful. My guess of the people that dont are those in the age range of above 25. After making this presumption i studied the responses in 'browse responses' and learnt that this was the case.

6) Would you read/buy a music magazine dedicated to new bands/artists?

Again this question was hugely important as it would tell me whether the public would want to read the magazine that i wish to create.
Yes = 73.3%
No = 26.7%
The results from this question tell me the majority of the sample would read or buy a magazine dedicated to new musical talent. This tells me that my magazine could be successful if i manage to get the other factors of the magazine correct. The result of this question justifies the choice of genre of my magazine.

7) How much would you be willing to pay for a music magazine for new music artists?

This question would help me to understand how much i should price my magazine. Price is an important factor to any product as you have to ensure that you price the magazine on what the content is worth but also a price that the consumer would pay. If you price to high the audience may look elsewhere but if you price to low then you will not make any money. As there is no magazine currently similar to the one i wish to create this means that i can price slightly higher as there is no competition for the reader to go to. One the other hand as my magazine will contain new talent , they will not be famous faces which could reduce the amount i charge.Therefore i need to choose a price that benefits me and the reader.
£1-£1.50= 40%
£1.50-£2= 33.3%
£2-£2.50= 13.3%
£2.50+= 13.3%
From the results i can see that the majority believe that £1-£1.50 would be a suitable price. However as the consumer they would want to pay as least as possible which means that this question could be bias. Depending on how often the magazine is produced and how much content there is i will make a decison. One thing i do agree with is that £2.50+ is too much to pay. To contrast i do believe that £1.-£1.50 would be too low. Therefore price is a factor that i will have to conduct more research.

8) What would you expect to be in a music magazine?
Facts on bands/artists

Content arguebly the most important factor of a magazine. If you do not include what the reader wants then they will not buy it. Before the public buy a magazine many flick through quickly to see if its worth buying. Therefore you have to include want they want. I gave this question a multiple answer box so that the public could tick as many boxes as they wanted and i could find out want they want to read and see in a magazine.
Gigs = 80%
Interviews = 80%
Posters= 40%
News = 66.7%
Gossip = 40%
Festivals = 80%
Competitions= 46.7%
Advertisements= 33.3%
Offers= 60%
Facts on bands/artists= 60%

I have highlighted the most popular answers to show which were the most popular and that i should defintatley include in my music magazine. At the beginning of this project i made the decision to create a new musical talent magazine rather than a music scandal magazine. Therefore i believe that gossip is not going to be a huge factor within my magazine and i should stick with a focus on the music talent and where you can see them at gigs and festivals etc. This idea should work as i believe that females are more interested in gossip and if my magazine is targeted at males they will not be interested in hearing about gossip and scandal. This point is proved in that only 40% of the people who took this survey, expect to see gossip in a music magazine.

9) What would you expect a front cover of a music magazine to be like?
Classy Format
Not too much information
Lots of pictures
Lots of writing
More pictures than writing

The front cover is the first thing you notice when you look at a magazine. It tells you what to expect and creates a feeling/mood of what the ethos of the magazine is. The front cover attracts the reader and you want your cover to stand out against overs in a shop. Getting the front cover correct is key and this question would give me an idea of what the public believe a front cover should be like. The answers given had a multiple choice box so the person taking the survey could select the ones they believed were most important.
Colours= 60%
Classy Format=20%
Not too much information=20%
Lots of pictures= 46.7%
Lots of writing=13.3%
More pictures than writing =53.3%
The most popular answers on this question were that the public believe a magazine should be creative, colourful with more pictures than writing. This did not surprise me and has taught me that the front cover has to look special and stand out so that it will attract the public.

10) How often would you expect a music magazine on new musical talent to be sold?
Every two weeks

This question was important as it would tell me how often they believe that a music magazine of this kind should be sold. For example if the magazine was sold monthly it would have to have more content as it is not sold as often as some. However it may be difficult to create a magazine full of new talent every week.
Weekly= 20%
Every two weeks= 53.3%
Monthly= 26.7%
From the results i can see that the public believe that the magazine should be sold every two weeks. This may be the best option as it would be enough time to create a good magazine full of good content and it would not be a huge magazine that is sold monthly

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