Friday 29 October 2010

Research - Audience Research- What have i learnt?

After conducting my audience research i have learnt that music magazine dedicated to new musical talent could be successful. There is so much diversity in musical taste and i want to be able to create a music magazine full of talent where there is something for everyone. From my survey analysis i found out that everybody is interested in new musical talent and from speaking to those around me i found out that the music scene is constantly changing and by promoting new talent we can keep the music scene fresh and an industry that is always producing new talent. Another thing that i have learnt is that people believe that the magazine should be about musical inspirations and it should find out about why these new artists believe that they can make it in the industry.

The quantative side of my research was the survey i produced. The qualative side was when i interviewed a group of my cousins 19-25 year old male friends. I completed this qualative research as i wanted to find some evidence that was aimed directly at my target market. The quantative side of the research was useful as i could create quick results and view the percentages which resulted in me knowing straight away what they thought. The qualatitive data was useful as it meant that i could go into more detail with questions and find out different opinions in comparison to one word answers.

From the survey results i was able to analyse the findings and what this resulted in for my music magazine. For example i found out the majority of the people who took my survey listened to indie/alternative music the most. However this answer could be described as limited. Therefore in the interview i was able to ask questions about music taste and i found out that many people have a variety of tastes, this i could not find out in the survey as there was only a one answer box option. The interview is useful as it was a conversation between me and members of my target audience. This in comparison to a survey which had answers from others showed that the answers i recieved were directly from the people who would be the audience of my magazine. The feedback i recieved from both types of research was similar - which is great because it shows that there is continuty in my feedback and i can create a magazine which is justified by good reliable research.

From the interview i found out that many of my target audience like to go to festivals and gigs. This has taught me that a page dedicated to upcoming music events would work well in my magazine. They also told me that when they go to gigs they often find new music talent there in the warm up performers. They said that they often go home and look up the performers to find out more about them. From both pieces of research i found out that the presentation of the magazine is important. In my analysis of the survey i talked about how photographs are what the audience notices first.

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