Sunday 31 October 2010

Planning -Flat Planning - Whole Magazine Plan- Analysis


So that i could really understand the content of my magazine i created a flat plan of the whole magazine to show what i believe would be in my magazine. This would show that i know what my magazine is about and would give the audience a feel of what they would expect in my magazine. This part of the project took time , as i wanted to ensure the content of my magazine linked and the pages would compliment eachother. I researched some unsigned band and artists who i think could be in my magazine and then i came up with titles of the pages that they would come under. I looked at band and artists from different genres - so there would be something for everyone! Hoever they all had one thing in common , which is they love making music and what people to hear what they are about.

Page 1 - Front Cover
Page 2 - Advertisement
Page 3- Contents
Page 4-5 Maddie Jones
Page 6- Advertisement
Page 7 - James Leon
Page 8-9 Airport 85
Page 10-11 Battle Of The Bands
Page 12- Advertisement
Page 13-14 The Big Interview
Page 15- Advertisement
Page 16-17 Charlie & The Martyrs
Page 18-19 Saturday Sunset
Page 20-21 Underground Heroes
Page 22- Advertisement
Page 23- Tom Deacon Review
Page 24- Fearne Cotton Review
Page 25- Advertisement
Page 26- Scott Mills Review
Page 27- Star Guest Review The Script
Page 28- Chris Moyles Review
Page 29- Advertisement
Page 30-31 Festival Fanatic
Page 32--33 Reading Festival Diary
Page 34-35 V takes Over
Page 36- Advertisement
Page 37 - Discovered At Glastonbury
Page 38-39 You Tube Scouted
Page 40- Advertisement
Page 41 - Unsigned Tweets
Page 42-43 Facebook Hit
Page 44-45 Advertisement
Page 46-47 We Play You Say
Page 48-49 Top 20 Live Play List
Page 50-51 Discussion Roulette
Page 52- Advertisement
Page 53- The One's Who Began Here
Page 54-55 Competition
Page 56- Advertisement
Page 57- Last Word
Page 58 Advertisement

Within my contents page this will be divided up into 6 categories.
Social Networking
Every Week
Festival Fanatic
Then the advertisements

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