Tuesday 12 October 2010

Research - Top of the Pops - Rate Card

Top of the pops magazine is a 'music' magazine which is arguably more full of gossip and celebrity style. Some would say the magazine focuses more on image and creating ideology in young teenagers mind about how celebrities live. However whatever your attitude is on the magazine the fact is that it sells and people enjoy reading it. So who are their audience? Well from their rate card i have learnt that 85% of TOTP's readers are girls. This did not shock me,  as from analysing their covers and being an experienced reader i am aware that the content of 'boyband good looks' and 'how to become justin timberlakes dream girlfriend' would appeal to girls more than boys. However is this just be making a prejudice judgement. Even so , the magazine sells more to girls with onluy 15% of their readers being boys. When creating my music magazine i need to decide whether it would be easier to appeal to one gender.

The age of TOTP's readers are 11-15 year olds ( also known as tweenies) . They sell their magazine every four months. In the last blog i commented on NME producing a magazine everyweek. I believe it works for TOTP's mag as it contains more interviews than latest news. This results in them not missing out on giving an exclusive as they focus more on speaking to present stars about other issues ,  such as the Cover i analysed related to Alexandra Burke 'beating the bullies'. The circulation of the magazine is 104,709 and it has a 344,000 readership.

Key facts
Cover Price
4 Weekly
Age range
11-15 years
(Sources: ABC Jan-Jun 2010, Youth TGI Spring 10)

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