Wednesday 20 October 2010

Planning - Thinking of a concept - Decision!

After considering the two initial ideas that i had , i believe that the one that i could take a magazine further with is the 'New Music Talent'. The reason for this is that i believe their is currently a gap in the market for this idea and that by choosing to go with my second idea i would have much more competition. I also believe that the second idea was more risk bearing. The reasons for this is that there are wider issues that could cause trouble for the magazine such as 'size zero' and how some celebrities are not role models. I am sure that i will face wider issues with my first idea , however i am more confident that it will be less controversial! The first idea i had is fresh and different. At this current time i believe there is a growing interest in new talent. For example talent shows such as X Factor and Britains Got Talent encourage new musical artists to try and make it on their shows. However i believe that there is a consistent type of winner that appear on shows such as the X Factor. To explain , i have never seen an indie or rock band audition on the show and the winners have always been on the 'pop' genre.Therefore i believe i can create a magazine that show cases talent from the other genre of music. I am aware that i will need to conduct research for this idea however it is my final decision that new talent will be the basis of my music magazine ! There are questions that i need to be aware of for example - 
' Why hasn't this been done before?". I am aware that there are internet sites that do this idea. However i want to take it to the next level and publish the information on a magazine so that awareness will grow . I will have to conduct research on why this has never happened. 

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