Friday 1 October 2010

Preliminary Task - Evaluation

The school magazine that I have produced used many  of the codes and conventions that would be found in a real media product. For example it has a headline, issue number and logo which are the usual things that you would expect to see on a magazine. However my school magazine challenges codes and conventions as it has four mini pictures rather than one centre picture. I decided to do this as I wanted to achieve the pop art effect by using four smaller pictures with the coloured backgrounds. They also link to the headline of my paper so therefore I believe it works. The layout of my magazine follows the same layout as many other media texts. From my content analysis I found out that there is a certain ‘look’ to a school magazine. I made the decision to use many of the ideas I saw in the two magazines. For example I made the title stand out and included an ‘inside’ bar at the bottom to inform readers of what to expect inside the magazine.

A big influence to my magazine was pop art. From my research I learnt that the students wanted the magazine to look ‘modern’ and ‘colourful’ therefore I thought that pop art would work really well. I believed it would give a creative twist to the magazine and would make it stand out from looking to formal and boring. By having the pop art style pictures centre of the page it makes them the main focus of the magazine, Then, by using black and white text around the photographs gives it a professional look. For example if I was to use many different colours as well as the pop art styled photographs- it may look childish.

The photographs featured on the front cover show four year seven students who are all smartly dressed. This represents them in a good way as they look prepared for school and good representatives of their house. I have also used a picture of Mr. Russell who is also looking smart and friendly. Therefore he is represented in a nice way as he looks approachable. The photograph I used of Miss Blackman looks professional. I tried to achieve an ‘x factor’ judge type look as she is scouting for new talent to be in the school production. Many teenagers are stereotyped ‘yobs’ and trouble makers so I suppose you could argue that I have broken this stereotype by including photographs of four students looking smart. However this is for a school magazine so it would be unlikely that I would use photos of them looking messy and untidy.

The school would be the main institution to distribute my media product as it is aimed at the students and the whole concept of the magazine is about Epsom and Ewell high school. The magazine could be distributed in the local community. This would increase awareness of the school ethics and what Epsom and Ewell high school is all about. It could also be distributed in the local primary schools so that future potential parents of students that may attend our school can see what we have to offer.

The main audience for my school magazine are the pupils. From my research I learnt many things about what to include to make the magazine more appealing. I have incorporated these ideas into my magazine and I believe it looks like a piece of media that the students would enjoy reading. For example the front page is bright and eye catching. There is only a small article which would be a success for the students as the stressed the idea of not having too much writing to include. The contents page is also bright and I have used the continued colour scheme as which is on the front page. This will give the effect of making the school magazine look professional and it will have a theme. The contents page is also minimum but effective. This means that there is not loads going on. However it looks good because the page is not to cramped. I could improve the contents page by including another photograph. However from my audience research I found that students preferred a simple design compared to a complex design. To contrast I believe another photograph would of gained effect as it would show the reader more of what Epsom and ewell high school is like.

From constructing this product I have learnt that planning is crucial. I could of improved my magazine by taking more time to depict each part of the magazine so that I could of gained maximum effect. I have learnt that the digital camera is not as hard to use as I expected and that photoshop is a technical but useful programme to use. The creative tools have extended my creative control as they have made it possible for me to change the contrast, colour and the position of the photographs. I have not yet mastered how to use photoshop. However my skills have improved and I believe they will improve even more as I begin to use the programme more.

Overall I am fairly happy with my final product. Im most proud of my blog as I feel I have kept it fully updated and detailed throughout the preliminary task. I believe my creative skills could be improved. However this task has prepared me for what to expect of the main task. I have decided to prepare in advance for many decisions that I will make. Research has been crucial to creating my school magazine and I believe it is one of the most important factors of creating a media text.

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