Thursday 28 October 2010

Research - Similar Texts - Unsigned Artists Websites

From looking around many shops i have noticed that there is currentley no magazine that is directley similar to the one i plan to create. One of hand this is a good thing as it means i will have no competition. To contrast the question arises , Why is there no magazine of this genre? However from surfing the internet i have found many websites that are dedicated to new musical artists. This could be because the internet is used by everyone daily and that some people would prefer to search for new talent online , where they can see videos of the artists. I also noticed that many of the websites are targeted at particular genre of talent. At first i believed that i could create a music magazine advertising all kinds of talent. However i have now come to the conclusion that this may be difficult to achieve as it would be hard to create a magazine that showcased a new girl band called 'Kandy' whi target 15 year old girls alongside a hard rock group named 'Pain'.

Many music magazines have single pages dedicated to new music talent. As i found on the X factor magazine. They have one page for Alexis Jordan who has recently been signed.
I decided to browse the website and have a look at some of the unsigned music websites and see how they work which would lead to me getting some ideas about what i could use in my magazine.  One of the websites i came across was

This site promotes new talent and lets you become a member so that you can keep up to date with new bands. This website also has a chart of top singles and artists so that the public can see who they believe is making music worth listening too.

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